Wednesday 8 February 2017

Indi-di-Aglio-di-olio pasta- a twist to the Italian Aglio-di-olio Pasta

Its mid week and no one minds a nice and easy pasta dinner recipe. I was bored of both white sauce and red sauce pasta. One day decided to order the Aglio-di-olio but being someone who loves her spicy food...found it bland for my liking. So decided to play around with the ingredients and tweak the recipe of the pasta to suit our desi Indian palette and it was indeed yum. I have recreated it many times at home and its my father-in-law's favourite pasta now....made it last night too as Tuesday is veg day at our goes the recipe:)


2 onions chopped long and thin 
One tomato chopped finely
7-8 pods garlic finely chopped
Red chillies (the fresh thick ones used in achaar (pickles), available abundantly these days in the market) chopped into fine roundels) You can also use the thick green ones instead!

A packet of freshly chopped Parsley 
Freshly chopped coriander
 300 grams Spaghetti
Take half a cup of olive oil as the oil is the sauce itself and saute the chopped garlic in it 

 Then add the long cut onions and saute till translucent pink. Make sure they don't go brown. 

In the meanwhile boil the spaghetti according to the instructions give on the packet, make sure to add little bit of olive oil, 1/2 tsp salt and dry herbs like oregano to the boiling water to add flavour to it. 
Then add the red chillies and tomato and saute till done, do not over cook it. Add 1 and a half tsp of salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Also add oregano to it. 
Once the spaghetti is done, drain it in a sieve and let it cool a bit, then add it to the mix that you made with the rest of the ingredients. Mix it up well! Don't forget to garnish it with fresh parley and coriander leaves, 
Tastes best with home made garlic bread that I made just by putting Amul garlic and herbs butter on white bread and toasting it in the oven and of course white wine :) 

You can garnish with Parmesan cheese powder. A desi-twist to an Italian pasta!