Wednesday 24 June 2015

You can call me Jyo- as that’s what my friends like to address me. I have loved patterns, styles, fashion since growing up as a kid, my favourite place in our sprawling bungalow used to be my mother’s boutique and her workshop of karigars. I used to escape from homework and collect the unused small patches or sometimes even bigger cloth pieces then think up of a style and beg mom’s tailors to stitch a dress for my Barbie dolls. And yes my Barbie dolls wardrobe as well as jewellery collection was indeed envy of the neighbours daughter’s as these were bespoke pieces designed by me and created by old but cheerful masterji who used to sometimes get scolded from my mum that he spoilt me rotten and wasted his precious work time on making “useless” dresses for my dolls.
I have loved fashion as a kid, as a teenager- I guess my mom has truly been an inspiration. Whatever she wore and however she carried herself was a class apart! And I am lucky as those genes came to me. The only not so lucky thing which I got from my dad’s side of the family is my love for good food. And believe you me my love for food is immense, so much that from a plump school going kid to an overweight teenager to a fat college goer and then a heavy workaholic, a huge wife to a big momma- one thing has always remained consistent is my plus size.
I know it’s unhealthy and I have tried, lost gained back- the cycle continues till today, the emotional eating too…..but now I have realised if I have to do it…I have to do it at my own pace and do it gradually. But have also learnt to be positive about it, learn to be proud and happy the way I am and make the best out of it.

A lot of my friends and acquaintances message me or call me asking me about my styling, how I manage to look so charming (touchwood!) even with all the fat.  Perhaps as the years go by, I love the way I am and I feel I can work on myself, imagine and think of different looks and styles that will suit me. So here I am with this blog…(my first ever)…..dedicated to women who are like me….Proud to be Plus…..Fab not Fat!